Backpacker Deals Affiliate Program With Incredible Earning 6.4%!

Backpacker Deals is committed to helping travelers book memorable travel experiences at an affordable price. They provide expert travel knowledge so that travelers can explore the world and have an unforgettable adventure. They’re dedicated to finding extraordinary tours from around the world by building relationships with local tour operators who share their values.



  • Commission: 6.4%
  • Category: Travel
  • Cookie Days: 30 Days
  • Payment Methods: Paypal/Wire


Backpacker Deals Commission Rates and Rules

As an affiliate, you earn a 6.4% commission for each sale. 

You are not allowed to use trademarks in your ad title, ad copy, display name, or as the display URL.

You are not permitted to carry out any PPC search activity directing traffic to the website except by special arrangement.


Backpacker Deals Products

Backpacker Deals is committed to helping travelers book memorable travel experiences at an affordable price. This includes:

  • Book Memorable Travel Experiences
  • Expert Travel Knowledge



1. What is Backpacker Deals?

Backpacker Deals is committed to helping travelers book memorable travel experiences at an affordable price.

2. How long do you have to make a sale from someone who uses your affiliate link?

Backpacker Deals has a 30-day cookie. As long as the customer purchases within 30 days of arriving with your affiliate link you will receive the commission.

3. How much does the affiliate program pay?

Backpacker Deals pays a flat 6.4% commission.


How to Join Backpacker Deals Affiliate Program

Actually, it only takes you a little time to start as an affiliate. The steps are as follows:

1. Sign up
First of all, you need to sign up for an account and input your basic information and payment information.

2. Apply for campaigns and Generate  your unique link
Backpacker Deals allows you to generate a unique affiliate link that you can include in your blog, email, or social content. If anyone clicks on this link and purchases one of the products, you will get a commission.

3. Withdraw
Once your commission reaches $100, you can withdraw your affiliate revenues via the payment information you submit.


Join the Affiliate Program