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The details of this offer as below:
Top GEOs: Global
Cookie Days: 60
AOV is up to $130
Wigsbuy Search Policy
Affiliate agrees not to bid on and/or make use of the brand name Wigsbuy in whole or in part or in any other form, shape, and variation thereof whatsoever for Google, Google Mobile, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and AOL Affiliate Pay per Click (“PPC”), and Facebook and Twitter campaigns. This includes the use of Wigsbuy brand terms in affiliate ad copies, display URLs and displays names. The affiliate also agrees not to represent themselves as the official Wigsbuy website in any online or offline marketing and advertising campaigns anywhere.
List of prohibited keywords:
“”TM+KEYWORDS” are prohibited. Derivatives of our branded/trademarked terms are prohibited”,”just like: wigbuy”, “wigsbuy nl”, “wigsbuy”, “wigbuy”, “shopwigsbuy”, “lace wigs”, “wigsguy”, “wigsebuy eshopwigsby”, “wigsbuys human wigs”, “wigsbuys”, “wigsbuy.com.wigsbuy traducido”, “espanol”, “wigsbuy salon”, “wigsbuy reviews”, “wigsbuy”, “review”, “wigsbuy promo codes”, “wigsbuy org”, “wigsbuy e shop”, “wigsbuy coupons codes”, “wigsbuy coupon code”, “wigsbuy synthetic”, “wigsbuy reviews”, “wigsbuy item”,”wigsbuy coupon”, “wigsbuy complaints”, “wigsbuy codes”, “wigsbuy carley wigsbuy avis”, “wigsbuy”, “wigsbut”, “wigsbu”, “wigsbiycom”, “wigs buy wigs”, “wigs buy phone number”, “wigs buy online uk”, “wigs buy online”, “wigs buy”, “wigbuys com”, “wigbuy.com”, “wigbuy customer service”, “wigbuy con”, “wigbuy”, “wigbuy”, “wig buys”, “telephone number for wigsbuy”, “stars wearing wigs”, “buy”, “shopwigsbuy.com”, “shopwigsbuy”, “shop.wigsbuy.com”, “shop wigsbuy com reviews”, “shop wigbuy”, “reviews of wigsbuy”, “pay wigsbuy”, “online coupons wigsbuy”, “coupons wigsbuy”, “coupons for wigsbuy”, “codes for wigsbuy”, “wigsbuy”, “buy wig”, “best wigs buy”, “com”, “best wigs buy etc.”
List of allowed keywords:
“wigs”, “human hair wigs”, “lace wigs…lace”, “lace front wigs”, “full lace wigs”, “hand tied wigs”, “synthetic wigs”, “black wigs”, “long wigs”, “african wigs etc.”