New advertiser Sunglasses Shop is online with an amazing payout 4%!

Sunglasses Shop is part of Europe’s largest online retailer of sunglasses and prescription eyewear. They offer more than 100 designer brands all with free delivery and free returns. They are committed to providing customers with the most satisfactory service.


  • FR, DE, NL Commission: 4%; UK Commission: 2.4%
  • 30 days tracking cookie
  • Free delivery & 30 day return


You are not allowed to bid on any Trademark or {Trademark + (keyword)} or misspellings thereof.
You are only allowed to use TM + keywords such as “Sunglasses Shop + coupon/code”.
You are not allowed to direct link.
You are not allowed to use, or https://(merchantname) as your display url.
No PPC policy.

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